All summer the kids and pets have kept each other company. But now that summer break is almost over and kids are going back to school, what does that mean for your pets? It could mean a change in behavior – and that sometimes prompts pets to be returned. Don’t let that become an option when there are solutions.
A cat that is an only pet might act out and start scratching on the couch or other surfaces. A dog might poop in the house or also become destructive. They aren’t doing it to be bad, they are letting you know they don’t like the change.
What can you do?

- First if your pet is an “only” you can get them a companion. Only is lonely if they have a buddy they work out that energy or lack of activity with each other.
- When you leave the house leave on the TV or a radio so they have a voice for company. It really does make them feel someone else is there.
- Get the pet some interactive toys. There are even “smart” toys that you can play with your pet through a cellphone app when you are gone.
- Start a new routine with your pet now, before you go back to work and school. If you used to take the dog for a walk before taking the kids to school and now you take at a different time, restart that before school time. It will also prevent “accidents” as dogs suddenly left in the house longer than expected when used to walking at a certain time, just can’t hold it.
Dog destructive behavior like scratching at a door as a way to escape, or excessive howling or chewing on things like shoes is part of the separation anxiety or boredom that you are gone. So getting that new companion now and getting them used to your being away longer now is very important for them to readapt to the old time frame.
Although cats can sleep 18 – 20 hours a day, when your kids are there with them and they have become accustomed to playing with them, they can “mark” areas because they think leaving their scent is a way to have their “missing” playmates find their way back home. In their mind, you’re lost!
Remember, rescue pets often have a history of abuse, neglect or abandonment. So your being away longer makes them think you’ve left them. You choose this wonderful family member and you might be their last chance at a happy life. So before you think about returning to a rescue or shelter, please reach out for help!